Showing posts with label RESPECT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RESPECT. Show all posts

Sunday 11 August 2013


          In any relationship, what greatly counts is the trust and respect that partners endow to each other. However, it takes a while before genuine trust will blossom in the relationship. Challenging indeed is the criteria given to the manner of improving trust in the relationship. We all know that we have our highs and lows, yin and yang, strengths and weaknesses etc.  
          Oftentimes, what is easier for us is to show our good side and merely keep hidden our negative side. However there are also times that situations go wrong and come beyond our control. It is during such events that the "demons"- so to speak, come out of us. Why then are we afraid to show the real "US"? many reasons can come out of our minds yet one among them is our fear that we will not be accepted by others especially by people dear to us if we come out of our comfort zones.

          That situation then is the challenge for all of us- to show the real persons that we have in and out. If we are able to do so then we can say that we succeed in trusting ourselves and others and that we will be accepted and loved by being who we are.

          On the other hand, trust goes together with respect. Respect also means our ability to demonstrate understanding, acceptance, and loved to the other person nowithstanding who or what he/she is.  Real respect comes out of one's heart and this should be devoid of any terms and conditions. If somebody respects another just because of fear then that may not be "respect" at all but rather a plain "fear".

          Real respect happens when someone extends his/her hand to the other person for he/she feels and senses the other person's sense of dignity and being special. 
          Hence when we are able to show mutually trust and respect for each other, real relationships will also follow and blossom. Consequently, happiness and contentment will be treasured by all persons involved in the relationship. 

Wednesday 3 July 2013


          What a beautiful day for me today----everything became a sort of a blessing.... From the moment I woke up, went to work and came back home, everything was on its proper place. My mates were mostly energetic as well hence I also received that positive vibes from them. Experience would tell me that when I and those people around me are  showing positive vibrations, tasks and relationships tend to become light.

          It's true that when we radiate positive aura to others, we will also receive positive aura in return. Moreover I believe that being positive goes along with one's ability to stay focus in all things to be fulfilled.

          Being constantly focus in everything we do is not an easy thing to fulfill. It entails such rich resources of patience and stability. Patience in the sense that as human as we are, we tend to overdo things- we like to accomplish multiple tasks at the same time. I'm not saying that it is wrong or it is not possible. Many gifted and trained people are able to accomplish such task yet  a large number also including myself are at times lost since the sense of being focus is absent. Can you recall concretely any event in your life wherein you are trying so hard to fulfill a certain task when suddenly a separate and unrelated thing popped up? Or you are at the verge of making it to the finish line of your work when suddenly your mind wanders so very far away? These are frustrating moments in our life yet they are also very true to you and me.
          Thus, it is with such gratitude that I thank my Divine Creator for allowing me to stay focus each day in my tasks and in my relationships. Somehow, somewhere the road towards the end of each of our journeys seems  so overwhelming, tricky, challenging yet certain factors like determination and focus can assist us to reach it at the peak. 

Active Search Results

Sunday 23 June 2013


          Significant people are ones who can give us comfort and strength when things are getting rough and tough...when everything seems so blurred, they come to our rescue and offer us a sense of perspective. Thus, it is but fitting to remember them always in our hearts including those who are away from us anymore-our faithful departed.

          Their memories and legacy will constantly remind us of their presence. They are merely physically absent from us yet their examples and good deeds guide us in choosing what is best for us. We always have 24 hours in a day and how great it is when we appropriate a part of these 24 hours to offer our prayers for these significant people for they would always be present in our life.
          Physically absent yet their love would always be our source of inspiration. I remember concretely  my mother who died many years ago. Ever since I  was  a kid, she was my mentor in my prayer life. She everyday initiated us into good deeds especially to prayer by reciting the holy rosary. Every Sunday is always a day of obligation. When everybody seemed to be enjoying their rest on Sundays, she constantly became the first person to wake us all up and prepared ourselves for mass.

          Hence, I offer my daily prayers for my beloved Mama and for other faithful departed and this allows me to continue my connections with them. Do you also keep in your hearts and prayers your own departed loved ones?...


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