Saturday 18 January 2014

How Much Time Do You Spend on the Internet?

          With the growing popularity of the online world nowadays, it then becomes a reality that many people are exposing themselves to the lure of the internet to the extent that they sacrifice their personal affairs for online activities. Moreover, occasions spent on the internet could result either positively or negatively depending on their intensity.

           On the other hand, constantly consider that you certainly own various pertinent relationships and as such, you also owe the responsibility to nurture each one of  them. And by nurturing them, you allow each person involved in the relationship to grow in a positive manner. 
            Yet in the midst of all these net developments that  you treasure nowadays, are you aware then of their brought risks to your life? It is said that 

            With all these facts, do you consider yourself one of those who have more time to spend on the internet rather than socializing and connecting with their loved ones? The sense of belongingness is very crucial in their stages of growth advancement. You need to spend more conventional time with them rather than just allowing yourself to stay and be a slave of the web. 

          Thus, it is you, yourself, who initially knows if your time spent on the net is still a positive one so much so that it allows you to grow as a person either as a husband/wife, or as a father/mother, or as a friend  and be a positive influence for others. Or are you the the type of person who excessively spend your time on the the web therefore losing precious and quality moments with your loved ones.


Saturday 11 January 2014

If You'll Not Do It, It Seems Nobody Else Will...

          As you make an entrance into another chapter of your life through the commencement of this new year, what comes out also are your prepared New Year's resolutions- list of things that you want to achieve in your life. This has been the practice of so many people since a long time ago dated back during the period of the Babylonians until the era of the knights on the Medieval times.

          You may have personally set up your own goals this year. May it be for a change in your lifestyle like limiting your time in front of the television set or in front of your laptop. Others will aim for a more moderation in terms of certain rituals such as smoking, drinking and going out late at nights with friends.
           On the other hand, there are those who aim for self improvement such as positive mental disposition, getting rid of old practices, and being better in personal life management.

          However, all these new year's plans will go to nil when you will never act out on them. As they will say, if you will not implement these plans in yourself, nobody else will ever undertake that for you. Hence, so as to be more constructive in your life, be consistent in doing your plans. Your firmness, openness supplemented by determination will aid you in realizing these dreams, goals, and resolutions.


Saturday 4 January 2014

How Do You Treasure Loved Ones In Your Life?

          Life is at times full of elations and sometimes that of misery. Each one has dreams that wanted to be realized. And in your everyday journey, it is also coupled with bountiful trials and crosses. Challenges which you might think that they have no end anymore. With this reality, you then realize that life is  not at all happiness. 

          At times, you tend to fall down but then when those moments come, you need to get up and continue the journey. Life's tests are accorded to you yet they are not given for you to lose hope. Moreover they are not showered in your life to destroy your dreams however they are present to enable you to become stronger and learn how to face life squarely.
          As you go on with your journey, your main inspiration is your family. When your loved ones are happy and contented in life, you also become enthusiastic. It is very inspiring for you to realize that your family is always with you in this journey. 

          Furthermore, your life is also colored positively by all friends who have been so thoughtful to you. Friends whom you can be so free to share everything of yourself in and out. People whom you can share life with not just during times of laughter but even during rough moments.

          After some storms and barriers in your life, your real friends will be the ones  to lift you up and give you fresh air to breath.  Your wounds then will heal and trials will end. Just like when those storms fade, you can watch a rainbow of hope- a spark of new light.

Guest writer: Emily C. Devilbiss


Wednesday 1 January 2014

Life as a Gift

Think about it....2013 is over now. And as you welcome the new year, think about how you lived in the past. Think if you still has a purpose in life. Try to think how many eyes have tears because of you? How many hearts were broken because of you? Learn to say sorry if you made mistakes. Don't live a life that is full of hatred.

Learn to love and accept failures because no one in this world is perfect. Learn to forgive and forget as the Heavenly Father forgives us sinners. Don't be arrogant. Be thankful of what you have. All you have is a blessing. You may be lucky today but perhaps not tomorrow so learn to value what you have.

Be kind to people because you also need their kindness sometimes. Always remember that you are like anybody else who commit mistakes and fail. Learn to accept your weaknesses. For what you will grow and will learn by your mistakes. Don't compare yourself with others because no one is exactly alike with others. Each one is a unique individual. 

Each one on this world has his own battle so don't judge others unless you live the same life as he has. You probably could read his actions but never his inner thoughts and feelings. Life is too short in this world. Be good and learn to think of others. Don't focus too much on yourself and just on your own good. Learn to share with others and touch other people's lives.

Moreover think that your beauty and nice skin will fade soon or later especially when you grow old but the good things that you do for others will never fade. Be kind, helpful, thoughtful and learn to love genuinely for others. Learn to appreciate the little things in this world and learn to love GOD and live your life in His grace.

Guest writer: Emily C. Devilbiss

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