Showing posts with label companionship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label companionship. Show all posts

Friday 25 January 2019

The Paradox of the Cross

          If I may ask you a question, " How would you perceive the image of the cross? Is it a sign of victory or a defeat? Is it a sign of hope or a sign of failure?" These are but some of the questions we can raise in our mind in relation to the example of our Lord Jesus Christ when He offered Himself to die on the cross. 

         Personally I would say that we should always be grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for His preparedness to sacrifice His own life to merit our salvation. With this in mind and in heart, I unceasingly put my prayer that may our minds be enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit, the source of truth so that any decision that we will make especially those which will affect others could be honest and sincere.
Photo credit
If we can live by the principles of truth then we will be able to contribute to the peace and harmony in our society no matter where we are in. 

         Consequently the image of the cross is a paradox of what it meant to be for others. The cross where Jesus Christ died becomes a complete manifestation of His triumph over our wickedness and sinfulness. When humanity suffers insults and rejection because of the desire to follow Jesus Christ, the image of Mary comes out as a spiritual mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who while witnessing the humiliation of her son, pleaded to God the Father for the forgiveness of His executioners and also for our own conversion. 

         As a result, the cross at this time becomes a symbol of good being triumphant over evil. May we then continue to imitate all these examples in our life in spite of all the odds out there, witnessing and believing in the concrete sacrificial act done by our Lord Jesus Christ this day. 


Saturday 12 January 2019

Get Rid of Negativity

          January 2019 has started and maybe it is good to look at how the first few days of this month and of this year has gone undetected.  Perhaps we already encountered several incidents in the workplace, or at home, or in the streets and others that brought worries to us. That when faced with a challenging situation, we resulted to negativity and such attitude also affecting our dealings with the other members of our household. 
Photo by Robert Katzki on Unsplash 

          Moreover, instead of leaving behind in our workplaces or office desks/ corners the worries of our responsibilities at work, we decided to bring them at home therefore, they also stressed out those people living with us. Confronted by them, we tend to panic right away and overthink about what will happen in the future without enjoying the now moment. There is a call for us to change this perspective and as a matter of fact, we need to constantly remember that what counts most for us is our immediate time with our loved ones especially with our spouses and kids.

         We need to spend time everyday to sit back and relax then  forget about those stresses and channel our energy to improving our relationship with our spouses and children for they are the very first priority (should be!) that we have in our life. They are the reasons why we positively wake up everyday to go to work or else perform other day's tasks. Let us learn to embrace all negative elements, situations, conditions, emotions as part of us and just allow them to have their own moments. Finally, let us be friendly with them and on the other hand, we endeavour also to make each moment a positive avenue of expressing love and affection to our loved ones as well as to others. 


Tuesday 31 July 2018

Drop It....Let It Go

          Each day in our life, we encounter moments wherein we are pained, down, disappointed and it is as if life is so meaningless anymore. Yet at the end of the day, we all need to remember that when we look into our eyes, we can always tell ourselves, " I LOVE YOU" then just by saying those magical words, may we remember that life indeed is so precious. By telling ourselves those affirmative words "I love this self" in front of the mirror, we are therefore affirming our own belief and acceptance of our own uniqueness. On numerous circumstances, we fail to appreciate our own giftedness and instead, envy those of others. 

          Learn to move on in life. As I was listening to one motivational speaker today, I was reminded that life is such a beautiful gift that we ought to treasure and no matter what obstacles lie along the way, there is always a force that will allow us to let it go of all those negative elements.

          Learn to accept who we are...... we all need to embrace our very own identity and it is only by then that we can also be able to accept others. How could we share love if we don't feel being loved on the first place.

Hence let us  treasure those special people in our life for from them we experience how wonderful this life is. Let us learn to let go then drop those negative events as well as  their memories and instead, let us focus on our dreams. 




Monday 15 May 2017

Taking Care To One's Gift of Life

Ongoing nowadays is my recent studies on the field of aged care. And as defined, 

" Aged care is the term for daily living and nursing care services provided to older Australians who either need some help at home or can no longer live independently. Services are generally divided into two categories:
Home care services
Residential care services
    " -source-" 

          Australia is an ageing population and many of those who came here were witnesses of the previous wars. Thus many of them are on their 70s, 80s, or even 90s nowadays. And as such, there is an urgent need to take care of them not just on their individual homes but also on the various residential care centres all over Australia. 

          Further, we have discussed several topics already on our class. And one thing that is always mentioned repeatedly by our mentor is that life on itself is such a wonderful gift- a precious one that ought to be treasured. 

          Thus, before we indeed learn to take care of other people's lives, it is but important that we learn how to take care of our own lives. Nowadays you can find from the social media, TV news, hard print media that many abuses are happening and this results to people being hurt, being immobile and even dead. It is such a sad reality and this poses a serious challenge to each one of us----all the time we need to maintain that balance and harmony within our bodies. We should never make anything that can destroy our lives and that of others. 

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