Showing posts with label GOVERNANCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOVERNANCE. Show all posts

Sunday 8 September 2013

GOOD GOVERNANCE: How Relevant is this to our EVERDAY LIFE?

          While I was busy the other day checking out my blogs and trying to compose some posts, my wife Yanyan was also preoccupied with her activity on good corporate governance. She tried to ask my opinion on her topic hence I tried to educate myself on how good corporate governance affect any company.

          Actually, based on her data, she noted that there were cases of companies being involved in irregularities thus for some, resulting to their collapse. And even if authorities in charge of monitoring such companies' performance and to check as well as act on these undesired activities, there are still companies that continue to involve with such irregularities.What was pointed out in her resources as a reason for those collapsed companies was the failure to diligently practice good company governance. 

          Thus, is good company governance really effective in providing a productive and a prosperous company?  In relation to this, one of the factors solicited from company leaders especially from the board of directors is their value on honesty, is honesty fulfilled by being efficient to one's role in behalf of the company or is it contributing gains to the company yet still doing unguarded undesirable acts while contributing positively to the company?

          Relating to our personal life, are we practicing good personal governance in our basic and primary relationships like family and friends? How honest we are to our loved ones? Are we consistently acting and performing our roles as husbands/wives/friends in behalf of the interest of the other party or the other way around?

          This is indeed very challenging to us yet if we just think and enliven within our hearts the love that we have for our loved ones, I believe that realizing good governance in our relationships will just come out naturally and without stress. LOVE for our family and vice versa will be the guiding force that will inspire us to be consistently honest and contented everyday.

P.S. thanks to my wife, Yanyan  and our little boy Kurt, for their inspirations in this post

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